Simply put, marketing automation helps you take a smarter approach to marketing and accomplish more with the resources you already have.

Wondering how marketing automation will affect your business? Take a look at how this all-in-one tool can revolutionize your marketing by decreasing costs and maximizing revenue, streamlining campaign creation, and improving accountability.

Decrease Costs & Maximize Revenue

A marketing automation system significantly lowers costs associated with managing marketing and sales efforts online. Manual processes are eliminated, allowing teams to work on proactively improving ROI.

Score and Prioritize Prospects

Marketing automation systems can automatically score prospects based on buying signals that they have shown through their online activities, including page views, form submissions, emails, event attendance, and more. This takes the guesswork (and the human error) out of prioritizing prospects, and ensures that leads are qualified and sales-ready before being passed on to a rep.

Arm Your Sales Team

Marketing automation systems provide micro-level or individual reporting on prospects. This information is extremely valuable for sales personnel who can use activity history to gauge interest and prioritize their assigned prospects. This also allows them to tailor the timing and content of their pitches based on what interests their prospects the most, significantly increasing the likelihood of closing sales deals. Leads that are not yet ready to buy can be placed on an automated lead nurturing track and educated to a sales-ready state, saving time for reps and shortening the sales cycle.

Automate Your Marketing Tasks

Advanced automation rules help marketers perform many tasks automatically. Prospects can automatically be assigned to sales reps based on specific criteria, social updates and emails can be scheduled out for deployment, and a host of other functions can be carried out without any human intervention, allowing marketers to turn their attention to other tasks.

Streamline Campaign Creation

Marketing automation allows marketers to create, deploy, and manage online campaigns from one platform, resulting in more focused, trackable campaigns and making it easy to maintain a consistent look and feel across marketing materials.

Your All-in-One Marketing Powerhouse

With marketing automation, marketers can manage email marketing, lead generation and management, social selling, and multiple third-party integrations all from one central hub. Putting all aspects of online campaigns in one central place not only saves time for marketers, but also makes campaigns more trackable and simplifies reporting.

Preserve Brand Integrity: Maintain brand

integrity with a marketing automation solution by utilizing creative templates for landing pages and email communications. This helps prevent users (in a non-malicious manner) from publishing graphics and content outside brand guidelines.

Improve Accountability

Marketing automation systems include functionality to improve accountability, freeing up management to focus on other matters. The advanced reporting tools offered by marketing automation also allow marketers to show the results of their efforts and prove marketing worth.

Close the Loop on Reporting